Metalheads Helping Out: METALITY Chapter Luxembourg Supports the Homeless with Sleeping Bags
Luxembourg, November 2024 – Stronger together, louder together – and for a good cause: The newly established METALITY Chapter Luxembourg has successfully completed its first charitable initiative. As part of the annual sleeping bag campaign organized by METALITY, the chapter donated 36 sleeping bags and sleeping mats to the Luxembourg-based organization “Stëmm vun der Strooss” to help the homeless survive the cold winter more comfortably.
METALITY – More Than Just Music
METALITY is a non-profit organization that brings the values and community of Heavy Metal into society. Local chapters have existed in Germany for some time, and as of November 2024, Luxembourg has joined “the loudest network in the world.” Membership fees and donations fund initiatives such as the sleeping bag campaign, which aims to finance, purchase, and distribute 2 x 666 sleeping bags annually. In Luxembourg alone, 36 sleeping bags have already been collected and donated this year.
You Never Rock Alone
Even among Metalheads, many individuals live with personal limitations that make attending a concert particularly challenging. METALITY aims to help break down those barriers so that everyone can share in the fun!
Whenever possible, METALITY finds someone from within the community to accompany others: guiding the visually impaired, helping wheelchair users navigate through the crowd, or assisting with transportation to the venue. Because in our community, nobody rocks alone!
Depression is a widespread societal illness, affecting millions of people, including many Metalheads. A recent study involving 6,000 Metal fans found that a significant number have battled the “Black Dog” – that invisible but oppressive companion that slowly creeps into your mind and takes hold. 40% of respondents said that “Metal has saved my life before.”
Depression remains a taboo subject. Many sufferers do not dare to talk about it, which fuels a vicious cycle of stigma, guilt, isolation, and despair. METALITY is determined to break that silence.
With a special festival wristband featuring the “Black Dog” – the international symbol for depression – METALITY sends a powerful message. Wearing this wristband discreetly signals: “I’m open to talking about it. You can approach me.” Whether you are a sufferer, a loved one, or simply a compassionate listener, you can help break the silence. While we cannot offer professional help, we can listen, support, and restore a sense of community. In the Metal world, when someone falls, we lift them back up!
Support Your Local Festival
Metal thrives on its community, and nowhere is that community more alive than at festivals. Non-profit Metal festivals are the heart of the scene: they support emerging bands, offer a platform for local organizers, and bring fans together.
With “Support Your Local Festival,” METALITY is committed to helping these valuable events, whether through financial support or promoting these festivals. Without these passionate gatherings, the Metal scene would lose its essence: closeness, solidarity, and pure joy for the music.
We don’t care who you are in your everyday life, what societal status or limitations others see in you, who you love, or what color your (tattooed) skin is.
With us, you are above all a Metalhead.
And therefore, one of us. Whether radical or rustic, it doesn’t matter.
But one thing is clear: we only like distortion and amplifiers in our music – not in our (business) relationships.
Supported by Shadows’ Night ASBL
The METALITY Chapter Luxembourg is supported by Shadows’ Night ASBL, an organization that has already gained attention with its project “Don’t be Poe! Music, Literature & Mental Health,” which actively raises awareness about mental health. Diane and Laurent, the two Chapter Heads of METALITY Luxembourg, discovered METALITY through their work with “Don’t be Poe” and were immediately inspired by the initiative.
Join Us and Support METALITY
If you want to become part of the movement or support METALITY, you can join for only €6.66 per quarter. Donations are also welcome. Visit for more information. Every contribution helps fund more sleeping bags, as the need is immense. The next delivery is scheduled for the end of January 2025.
The METALITY Chapter Luxembourg looks forward to all forms of support and hopes to meet new members soon at their stands during upcoming Metal concerts in Luxembourg.
“Metalheads help – because we are not just loud, we are also solidary.”
Contact for Inquiries:
METALITY Chapter Luxembourg
For Sleeping Bag Donations:
Via PayPal:
Or via bank transfer:
Metality e.V.
Hamburger Sparkasse
IBAN: DE47200505501501080491
For donations of €66.60 or more, a donation receipt can be issued upon request. Simply send your name, address, amount, and date of donation to
METALITY is a non-profit organization that promotes the values of the Metal scene – community, solidarity, and passion – within society. With projects such as “You Never Rock Alone,” the “Black Dog Project,” and the annual sleeping bag campaign, METALITY proves that Metalheads are not just loud but also active and engaged.
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